Saturday, July 27, 2013

Here we go!

I am in the car, Cory is driving and listening to thrash metal. Cecilia is happily enjoying some Aunt Chrissy time. Mom is patiently waiting for Cory and I to pick her up. Then Rosy the diesel Volkswagon wagon will zip us up to Michigan to join my brother and sorta SIL for a low key evening before the race.

I am jumping out of my skin. I've known since January this was coming. It feels like I just blinked and it's here.

I started training for this like everything I've done. I hit it gun-ho with wreckless abandonment then get bored and move on. I was stagnent and feeling sorry for myself.

One morning we were lazy and decided we would watch Mass on TV. It's out of New York. Very good. Any who, the priest was talking about loving our neighbors they way God loves them. Very common Catholic theme. Then he said something that, though I know it had been said before, I never really heard it.

"Love yourself the way God loves you."

One sentence and my attitude changed. I'm not loving myself with an unhealthy lifestyle. I'm punishing the gift God gave me: my life.

Do I still slip? Heck yes. Today at my other SIL's baby shower, I ate the best piece of cake in my life! Banana with buttercream. It was unbelievable.  And I don't feel bad. Because when was the last time I had cake? I can't even remember.

So now I sit, celebrating what I've done, what I'm going to do. And I can't wait for the next adventure!

1 comment:

  1. This verse came to mind as I was reading your post: "let us throw off everything that hinders...and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." Hebrews 12:1. Congratulations on making it this far. Run well, Katey, run well.
