Monday, January 21, 2013

Crap eating

I had the craziest dream this past weekend. I dreamt I was running errands and saw cheese puffs on clearance.

If you know me, you know I love cheese puffs. The big, greasy ones that coat your fingers with processed cheese goodness. It is difficult for me to resist cheese puffs, especially in a dream state. So I added to my purchases and plowed into them as soon as I was on my way. I was slamming them down without looking.

When I finally did notice them, they were clear. And each one had a live bug in them. They were on clearance because they were a failed product of a tequila company. I realized in horror I had just consumed live bugs without even knowing.

How often I have done this in real life! Not eating the bugs, mind you. But made a last-minute purchase of chips or a candy bar or Hostess product (RIP) and consumed it in the car on the way home without thinking or enjoying. In reality, the bugs are probably healthier than the crap I have eaten.

I believe in signs, and being open to God's message. If I ignore this one I choose not to love myself the way God loves me. So far I have done really well at resisting. The 20+ cheese puff addiction is strong in this young skywalker, but I need to stay strong in my convictions to getting healthier. I've got amazing support from friends and family. And my life is worth so much more that a fleeting bit of instant gratification, even a cheese puff.

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