Monday, December 31, 2012

In the beginning

I went to the doctor last spring and found out I was in danger. Tests revealed a fatty liver and diabetic tendencies. I had always prided myself on being an active and unrestricted fat person. Regardless of how much you can do physically, it doesn't change your insides, and mine were in trouble.

Doc started me on the Wheat Belly diet to purge my toxins. And it worked! I lost fifty pounds in six months. And then the holidays set in and I gave into temptation. The weight started to come back on, the old habits started rearing their ugly heads.

Sitting on the couch, being lazy, I get a text from my brother Pat. He asked me if I wanted to do the Warrior Dash with him in July. Rolling around in the mud for 3.5 miles? Heck yes! I've done tons of 5Ks before. Can't imagine this one being much different. But Pat made it clear it wasn't an easy feat. The obstacles and hills, using muscles you never knew existed, having to be nimble and limber. He asked the important questions, "Are you committed to this?"

I had to really think. Is this going to be like the diet. Try it, have success and then go back to my old, comfortable, lazy ways? Get discouraged and be done? It dawned on me. Failure wasn't an option. If I continue on the path of living to eat, not eating to live, I wouldn't live very long. And I wouldn't be setting a good example for my daughter. 

So here we go. I have six months to make significant changes in my lifestyle. And I have a pretty hefty goal to meet. Cory, my husband, and I are preparing our traditional Corned Beef Brisket and Sauerkraut for New Year's Day tomorrow. We will recover from our hangovers and enjoy one more lazy pajama day with our daughter. When the new year starts, he won't be the only one working out in our gym on the porch.